This book is aim at research modern German political thoughts in a political philosophical approach. The object of this approach is a combination of political realities and political thoughts,and this approach uses the social-historical methods.
The modern German political thoughts could be viewed as overcoming the nonpolitical culture. The term of nonpolitics takes a narrow definition of politics,which means parliamentary democracy and party politics. The nonpolitical culture,which did some modern Germans take to glorified themselves,is the fact that some modern Germans were not used to and gave up the operation of parliamentary democracy and party politics in Britain,France and America. The underlying essence of the nonpolitical culture is Realpolitik. Overcoming the nonpolitical culture means that the modern Germans gave up their past position,returned the tradition of the Western Enlightenment. Also,the process of actual politics is twisted.
This book is about some macro overviews,such as German history,German Question and the tradition of German political thoughts. Also,it is about some investigations of historian Friedrich Meinecke,novelist Thomas Mann,public law theorist Hermann Heller and philosopher Karl Löwith. This book is ended in a study of Constitutional Patriotism. Though this book does not fully cover all specific subjects of modern German political thoughts,it depicts a full picture of related political thoughts and issues.