In this chapter, we learned about monolithic and microservices architectures and why microservices are becoming popular in the industry, especially with web-scale applications. We learned about the importance of database isolation with microservices and how to migrate a monolithic application to microservices by observing the database access pattern. We also discussed the importance of the monolith-first approach and when to move towards microservices. We concluded with a comparison of monolithic and microservices architectures with regard to the release cycle and deployment process.
The next chapter of this book will talk about microservice architecture in detail; we will learn more about domain-driven design and how to identify the right set of microservices. In Chapter 3, Microservices for Helping Hands Application, the last chapter of Part-1, we will pick a real-life use case for microservices and discuss how to design it using the principles of microservice architecture.