I hope by now you have a better understanding of the state of Swift and where it is heading. Swift, which was once a language for mobile app development, can now be used on the server to build server-side web applications. By now, you should have the following:
- An understanding of how Swift has evolved and is being used for web development
- An idea of how you can use Swift for full stack app development and reuse the tooling and knowledge of the language to build backends in Swift
- Knowledge about the Swift package manager and how to use its CLI
- Built and published a Swift package and know how to share code and import dependencies into your Swift package
- An understanding of how web servers are built and work under the hood using sockets
- Some knowledge of the server-side Swift frameworks that can help you build a full stack web application
- Familiarity with Vapor, which we will be using throughout the book
- A mental model of what we are trying to build throughout the book to learn how to build full stack native apps using Swift
In the next chapter, we will dive into building an actual native iOS app in Swift and flesh out the features of the app.