Flexible intervals
Flexible intervals override the normal interval for the specified time. For example, an item could collect values every 60 seconds, but that item might not be important during the weekend. In that case, a flexible interval could be added with an interval of 3600 and time specification of 6-7,00:00-24:00. During Saturdays and Sundays, this item would only be checked once an hour:

Days are represented with the numbers 1-7 and a 24-hour clock notation of HH:MM-HH:MM is used.
It is also possible to set the normal interval to 0 and configure flexible intervals. In this case, the item will only be checked at the times specified in the flexible intervals. This functionality can be used to check some item on a specific weekday only or even to simulate a crude scheduler. If an item is added with a normal interval of 0, a flexible interval of 60 seconds, and a time specification of 1,09:00-09:01, this item will be checked on Monday morning at 9 o'clock.