About the author
Yuri Shkuro is a software engineer at Uber Technologies, working on distributed tracing, observability, reliability, and performance. He is the technical lead for Uber's tracing team. Before Uber, Yuri spent 15 years on Wall Street, building trading and risk management systems for derivatives at top investment banks, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, and Morgan Stanley.
Yuri's open source credentials include being a co-founder of the OpenTracing project, and the creator and the tech lead of Jaeger, a distributed tracing platform developed at Uber. Both projects are incubating at the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Yuri serves as an invited expert on the W3C Distributed Tracing working group.
Dr. Yuri Shkuro holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Maryland, College Park, and a Master's degree in Computer Engineering from MEPhI (Moscow Engineering & Physics Institute), one of Russia's top three universities. He is the author of many academic papers in the area of machine learning and neural networks; his papers have been cited in over 130 other publications.
Outside of his academic and professional career, Yuri helped edit and produce several animated shorts directed by Lev Polyakov, including Only Love (2008), which screened at over 30 film festivals and won several awards, Piper the Goat and the Peace Pipe (2005), a winner at the Ottawa International Animation Festival, and others.
I'd like to say thank you to many people who made this book possible: my producer Andrew, who reached out and convinced me to pursue this book; my editors Tom and Joanne, who reviewed and edited my drafts; my technical reviewer Pavol, who provided many great suggestions on improving the book; Ben Sigelman, who helped me to structure the content and from whom I learned a lot about tracing in general; Lev Polyakov, the author of the Jaeger project's adorable logo, who made brilliant illustrations for this book; and most of all, my family and my partner Yelena, who supported me and put up with me working on the book on weekends over many months.