About the reviewers
Maximiliano Santos works as an architect for IBM Cloud Garage, São Paulo. He has developed complex software architectures for the banking, real estate, insurance, chemical, and consumer goods industries. Max has designed solutions using IBM Watson's cognitive services, an Internet of Things (IoT) platform, as well as machine learning and mobile applications.
Ankur Daharwal started his journey into blockchain with IBM Blockchain Garage in 2016. As a technology enthusiast and expert in both public and enterprise blockchains, he has been part of the decentralized world for around 3 years now. He has successfully developed and delivered numerous blockchain projects. He has devoted his career to devising real-life solutions for asset management and value exchange in a plethora of industry use cases worldwide. As an advisor to many blockchain startups, he focuses on providing expert guidance and solutions. Ankur strongly believes in fulfilling social responsibilities and supporting humanitarian causes with the use of his skills in technology.