Mastering phpMyAdmin 3.3.x for Effective MySQL Management

Chapter 2. Configuring Authentication and Security

There are many ways of configuring authentication in phpMyAdmin depending on our goals, the presence of other applications, and the level of security we need. This chapter explores the available possibilities.

Logging in to MySQL through phpMyAdmin

When we type in a username and password, although it seems that we are logging in to phpMyAdmin, we are not! The authentication system is a function of the MySQL server. We are merely using phpMyAdmin (which is running on the web server) as an interface that sends our username and password information to the MySQL server. Strictly speaking, we do not log in to phpMyAdmin, but through phpMyAdmin.


This is why, in user support forums about phpMyAdmin, people asking for help about authentication are often referred back to their MySQL server's administrator, because a lost MySQL username or password is not a phpMyAdmin problem.

This section explains the various authentication modes offered by phpMyAdmin.

Logging in to an account without a password

MySQL's default installation leaves a server open to intrusion because it creates a MySQL account named root without a password—unless a password has been set by the MySQL distributor. The recommended remedy for this weakness in security is to set a password for the root account. In the eventuality that we cannot set one or do not want to set one, we will have to make a configuration change to phpMyAdmin. Indeed, a server-specific configuration parameter, $cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'], has been introduced in phpMyAdmin 3.2.0. Its default value is false, which means that no account is permitted to log in without a password. Generally, this directive should remain false to avoid this kind of access via phpMyAdmin, as hackers are actively probing the web for insecure MySQL servers. Go through the Securing phpMyAdmin section for other ideas about protecting your server.


If the AllowNoPassword parameter is set to false and a login attempt is made without a password, an Access denied message is displayed.

Authenticating a single user with config

We might need to automatically connect to a MySQL server via phpMyAdmin, using a fixed username and password, without even been asked for it. This is the precise goal of the config authentication type.

For our first example, we will use this config authentication, which is easy to understand. However, in the Authenticating multiple users section, we will see more powerful and versatile ways of authenticating.


Using the config authentication type leaves our phpMyAdmin open to intrusion, unless we protect it as explained in the Securing phpMyAdmin section of this chapter.

Here we ask for config authentication, and enter our username and password for this MySQL server:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'marc';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = 'bingo';

We can then save the changes we made in

Testing the MySQL connection

Now it's time to start phpMyAdmin and try connecting with the values we configured. This will test the following:

  • The values we entered in the config file or on the web-based setup
  • The setup of the PHP component inside the web server, if we did a manual configuration
  • Communication between web and MySQL servers

We start our browser and point it to the directory where we installed phpMyAdmin, as in If this does not work, we try (This would mean that our web server is not configured to interpret index.php as the default starting document.)

If you still get an error, refer to Appendix B for troubleshooting and support. We should now see phpMyAdmin's home page. Chapter 3, Over Viewing the Interface gives an overview of the panels seen now.

Authenticating multiple users

We might want to allow a single copy of phpMyAdmin to be used by a group of persons, each having their own MySQL username and password, and seeing only the databases they have rights to. Or we might prefer to avoid having our username and password in clear text in

Authentication types offered

Instead of relying on a username and password stored in, phpMyAdmin will communicate with the browser and get authentication data from it. This enables true login for all users defined in a specific MySQL server, without having to define them in the configuration file. There are three modes offered that allow a controlled login to MySQL via phpMyAdmin: http, cookie, and signon. We will have to choose the one that suits our specific situation and environment (more on this in a moment). The http and cookie modes may require that we first define a control user.

The control user

Defining the control user has two purposes:

  • On a MySQL server running with --skip-show-database, the control user permits the use of multi-user authentication. This aspect is described in the current section, even though servers running with this option are not commonly seen.
  • On all versions of MySQL server, this user is necessary to be able to use the advanced relational features of phpMyAdmin, which are described starting in Chapter 10,Benefiting from the Relational System.

For authentication purposes, the control user is a special user (the usual name we choose for it is pma) who has the rights to read some fields in the special mysql database (which contains all of the user definitions). phpMyAdmin sends queries with this special control user only for the specific needs of authentication, and not for normal operation. The commands to create the control user are available in phpMyAdmin's Documentation.html and may vary from one version to another. This documentation contains the most current commands.

When our control user is created in the MySQL server, we fill in the parameters as shown in the following example:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controluser'] = 'pma';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controlpass'] = 'bingo';


I use the bingo password when I teach pMyAdmin; it's recommended to avoid using the same password for your own installation. MySQL itself does not seem to enforce limits on the password size, but standard password guidelines apply. Please refer to for suggestions.

Logging out

A mechanism is available to tell phpMyAdmin which URL it should display after a user has logged out. This feature eases integration with other applications and works for all authentication types that permit logging out. Here is an example:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['LogoutURL'] = '';

This directive must contain an absolute URL, including the protocol.

Authenticating with HTTP

This mode—http—is the traditional mode offered in HTTP, in which the browser asks for the username and password, sends them to phpMyAdmin, and keeps sending them until all of the browser's windows are closed.

To enable this mode, we simply use the following line:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'http';

This mode has some limitations:

  • PHP, depending on the version, might not support HTTP authentication. It works when PHP is running as a module under Apache; for other cases, we should consult the PHP documentation for our version.
  • If we want to protect phpMyAdmin's directory with a .htaccess file (see the Securing phpMyAdmin section of this chapter), this will interfere with the HTTP authentication type; we cannot use both.
  • Browsers usually store the authentication information to save retyping credentials but bear in mind that these credentials are saved in an unencrypted format.
  • There is no support for proper logout in the HTTP protocol; hence, we might have to close all browser windows to be able to log in again with the same username.

Even considering these limitations, this mode may be a valuable choice as it's a bit faster than cookie processing.

Authenticating users with cookie values

The cookie authentication mode is superior to http in terms of the functionalities offered. It offers true login and logout, and can be used with PHP running on any kind of web server. It presents a login panel (see the following figure) from within phpMyAdmin. This can be customized, as we have the application source code. However, as you may have guessed, for cookie authentication, the browser must accept cookies coming from the web server—true for all authentication modes.

This mode stores the username typed in the login screen into a permanent cookie in our browser, while the password is stored as a temporary cookie. In a multi-server configuration, the username and password corresponding to each server are stored separately. To protect the username and password secrecy against attack methods that target cookie content, they are encrypted using the Blowfish cipher. So, to use this mode, we have to define (once) in, a secret password that will be used to securely encrypt all passwords stored as cookies from this phpMyAdmin installation.

This password is set via the blowfish_secret directive:

$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = 'jgjgRUD875G%/*';

In the previous example, an arbitrary string of characters was used; this password can be very complex as nobody will ever need to type it on a login panel. If we fail to configure this directive, a random secret password is generated by phpMyAdmin but it will last only for the current working session. Therefore, some features such as recalling the previous username on the login panel won't be available.

Then, for each server-specific section, use the following:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';

The next time we start phpMyAdmin, we will see the login panel as shown in the following screenshot:

Authenticating users with cookie values

By default, phpMyAdmin displays (in the Log in panel) the last username for which a successful login was achieved for this particular server, as retrieved from the permanent cookie. If this behavior is not acceptable (someone else who logs in from the same workstation should not see the previous username), we can set the following parameter to FALSE:

$cfg['LoginCookieRecall'] = FALSE;

There is a security feature to add a specific time limit for the validity of a password. This feature helps to protect the working session. After a successful login, our password is stored (encrypted) in a cookie, along with a timer. Every action in phpMyAdmin resets the timer. If we stay inactive for a certain number of seconds, as defined in $cfg['LoginCookieValidity'], we are disconnected and have to log in again. Increasing this parameter does not work in all cases, because PHP's own session.gc_maxlifetime directive can get in the way. Please refer to for an explanation of this directive. Therefore, if phpMyAdmin detects that the value of session.gc_maxlifetime is less than the configured $cfg['LoginCookieValidity'], a warning is displayed on the main page. The default is 1440 seconds; this matches the php.ini's default value for the session.gc_maxlifetime parameter.


The Blowfish algorithm used to protect the username and password requires many computations. To achieve the best possible speed, the PHP's mcrypt extension and its accompanying library must be installed on our web server. Otherwise, phpMyAdmin relies on an internally-coded algorithm, which works but causes delays of several seconds on almost every operation done from phpMyAdmin! This is because the username and password information must be decoded on every mouse click to be able to connect to MySQL.

To help users realize that this extension is really important, a message is displayed on the main page when phpMyAdmin detects its absence. The $cfg['McryptDisableWarning'] directive controls this message. By default, a value of false implies that the message is shown.

Authenticating through the signon mode

The signon mode enables us to use the credentials from another application to authenticate to phpMyAdmin. Some applications have their own authentication mechanism, so it's convenient to be able to use this fact to avoid another cumbersome login panel. In order for this to work, this other application has to store the proper credentials into PHP's session data to be retrieved later by phpMyAdmin.


Storing credentials in PHP's session is not guaranteed to be safe, according to the PHP manual:

To enable this mode, we start with this directive:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'signon';

Let's suppose that the authenticating application has used a session named FirstApp to store the credentials. We tell this to phpMyAdmin:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['SignonSession'] = 'FirstApp';

We must take care of users that try to access phpMyAdmin before accessing the other application; in this case, phpMyAdmin will redirect users to the authenticating application. This is done with:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['SignonURL'] = '';

How does the authenticating application store credentials in a format that phpMyAdmin can understand? An example is included as scripts/signon.php. In this script, there is a simple HTML form to input the credentials and logic that initializes the session—we would use FirstApp as a session name, and create the user, password, host, and port information within this session:

$_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_user'] = $_POST['user'];
$_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_password'] = $_POST['password'];
$_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_host'] = $_POST['host'];
$_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_port'] = $_POST['port'];


Note that FirstApp does not need to ask the MySQL's credentials to the user. These could be hardcoded inside the application, as they are secret or there is a known correspondence between the credentials of this application and that of MySQL's.

The authenticating application then uses a way of its choice—a link or a button—to let its users start phpMyAdmin.

Configuring for multiple server support

The file contains at least one server-specific section; however, we can add more, enabling a single copy of phpMyAdmin to manage many servers. Let us see how to configure more servers.

Defining servers in the configuration file

In the server-specific sections of the file, we see lines referring to $cfg['Servers'][$i] for each server. Here, the variable $i is used so that you can easily cut and paste whole sections of the configuration file in order to configure more servers. While copying such sections, we should take care that the $i++; instruction, which precedes each section and is crucial to delimit the server sections, is also copied.

Then, at the end of the sections, the following line controls what happens at start-up:

$cfg['ServerDefault'] = 1;

The default value, 1, means that phpMyAdmin will connect by itself to the first server defined, or present this server choice by default when using HTTP or cookie authentications. We can specify any number, for the corresponding server-specific section. We can also enter the value 0, signifying no default server; in this case a list of available servers will be presented at login time.

This configuration can also be done via web-based setup. Given here is an example of a multi-server definition, with the default server being set to let the user choose.

Defining servers in the configuration file

With no default server defined, phpMyAdmin will present a server choice:

Defining servers in the configuration file

Authenticating through an arbitrary server

Another mechanism can be used if we want to be able to connect to an undefined MySQL server. First, we have to set the following parameter:

$cfg['AllowArbitraryServer'] = TRUE;

We also have to put back the default value of 1 into $cfg['ServerDefault'] and use the cookie authentication type. We will then be able to choose the server and enter a username and a password.


Allowing an arbitrary server means that any MySQL server accessible from our web server could be connected to via phpMyAdmin. Therefore, this feature should be used in conjunction with a reinforced security mechanism (see the Securing phpMyAdmin section).

As seen here, we still can choose one of the defined servers in Server Choice. In addition, we can also enter an arbitrary server name, a username, and a password:

Authenticating through an arbitrary server

As the tool tip indicates, you can also enter a port number (of course, separated from the hostname/IP address by a space), if this MySQL server is listening on a non-standard port.