4.3 Materials
4.3.1 The material procurement schedule shall be prepared by the installation company based on the contract,construction organization design,delivery plan,and construction schedule.
4.3.2 Design technical document,construction technical standard and contract shall be based on for checking mobilization of material.Written inspection record in written form with signature on it is needed.The equipment without inspection or the disqualified equipment shall not be installed and used.
4.3.3 During material mobilization,the type,specification,lot number and quality certificate and inspection report as well as surface quality and packing condition shall be checked.
4.3.4 The spot check shall be carried out for outer appearance of raw material and standardization part,with 1% and not less than 5 pieces checked for each category.
4.3.5 Re-test shall be done according to design technical document or relevant national code if it is required,test results shall meet the requirements specified in national standard of related product or in design technical document and in contract appendix.
4.3.6 The qualified material shall be piled up with clear mark according to type,specification and lot number.
4.3.7 Deformation and rusting of steel material shall be avoided,which shall be put on the timber or pad.
4.3.8 Material and performance of welding material shall meet the requirements of related current national standard.Welding material such as welding electrode and wire shall correspond with strength of base metal and be stored at a dry room with good ventilation.The weld electrode and flux shall be baked as specified in the product instruction and welding process document.