42.Postoperative Rehabilitation(Fractured Cervical Spine)术后康复(颈椎骨折)
Nurse: How are you? Did you sleep well last night?
护士: 你好!昨晚睡得好吗?
Patient: Yes,I feel at ease after the surgery.
病人: 睡得很好!手术以后我就安心了许多。
Nurse: The surgery was a success. From now on,the most important thing we should do is the functional training. I’ll teach you every day. Please follow my instructions.
护士: 现在手术成功了,接下来最重要的就是功能锻炼了。每天由我来指导你,请配合!
Patient: Thank you. I’ll try my best.
病人: 谢谢!我一定会努力的。
Nurse: OK,let’s begin. Raise your arms and grasp the rings,you should do at least 100 times every day. You may divide them into four to fve sections.
护士: 那好,我们先来做第一个动作,双上肢上举抓住吊环,每天100次,可以分4~5个时间段进行。
Patient: OK(making great efforts to raise her arms). My arms feel so heavy.
病人: 好(努力举起双臂)。我感觉双上肢特别重。
Nurse: You will have this feeling in the frst several days,but you will feel easier later.
护士: 这是刚开始锻炼时的感觉,以后你会感觉越来越轻的。
Patient:(couldn’t hold on the rings)I couldn’t do it. How come it seems my brain can not control my hands?
Nurse: This is the phenomenon of the injured nerve caused by fracture of the cervical spine.The only way you can recover the function of the nerve is by keeping daily training.But it looks like this exercise is too hard for you now,so let’s change to another method. I will give you a small water bottle. Try to hold it and pass it between your two hands. Can you do that?
护士: 这就是颈椎受伤后神经受损的表现,只有每天坚持练习,才能恢复功能。这个动作现在对你来说有一定的难度,那我们换一种方法。现在我给你一个小矿泉水瓶,你试着用手把它抓住,然后在双手间传递,这样行吗?
Patient:(practicing to pass the water bottle)Oh,this method is better.
Nurse: You should continue the exercise until you are tired.(after 5 minutes of exercise)Do you feel tired now? You can take a rest. I’ll do some passive movement for your knees and ankles. The joints that you can’t move by yourself,will need this kind of passive movement. You can ask your family numbers or paramedics to help you. This exercise can keep the function of your knees and ankles.
护士: 这样每天坚持练习到疲劳为止。(锻炼5分钟后)你有点累了吧,现在让你稍作休息,我帮你做下肢膝关节和踝关节的被动运动。你自己不能动的关节都要做像这样的被动运动,有时间可请护理员或家属协助你运动,这样才能保持膝关节和踝关节的功能。
Patient: OK,I’ll do the exercise frequently.
病人: 好的,我会经常练习的。
Nurse: Now let me help you to do the toe extension exercise,try your best to extend the toes.(fve seconds later,the patient’s right toes have an inconspicuous movement.)Yes,very good,continue to move your toes like this.
护士: 下面我再帮助你锻炼足趾背伸运动,自己努力跷足趾。(5秒钟后右足趾稍微动了一下。)对,很好,就像这样继续活动足趾。
Patient: Oh,my god,it almost requires all my strength.
病人: 太费力了,我几乎用了全身的劲。
Nurse: But with your effort,the toes actually move. It’s a good start. You have the great possibility of recover if you persist. You are the most determined woman I have ever met.
护士: 但通过你的努力,脚趾确实动起来了,这就是良好的开端,只要你坚持下去,恢复的希望就很大。你是我见过的最坚强的女性。
Patient: Thank you very much. You give me the hope of recovery.
病人: 非常感谢,你让我看到了康复的希望。