Nurse: Mr. Wang,how are you? You will be discharged tomorrow,and these are your medicines after you leave the hospital.
护士: 王先生,你好,你明天可以出院了,这是你出院带的药。
Patient: Why do I need so many medicines?
病人: 怎么这么多药?
Nurse: Well,these are the medicines for only one month. You should take these continuously for six to nine months. The specific length that you need to take these will be determined by your monthly out-patient check up.
护士: 是的,这里仅仅是你一个月的用药量。你回去后仍需坚持服药6~9个月。具体时间则需根据你每月门诊随访情况而定。
Patient: Aren’t I healed? Why should I take medicines for so long? Can the length be shortened?
病人: 我现在不是已经好了吗? 怎么还要服这么长时间的药物? 能否缩短一些时间?
Nurse: Mr. Wang,I understand your concern. When we treat pulmonary tuberculosis,we must follow the therapeutic principles of early start,combination,suffcient quantity,regularity and full course treatment. That’s to say,we must strictly follow the drugs,methods and courses required by the chemotherapy program. Patients cannot stop taking medicines by themselves off and on,and they shouldn’t change the therapeutic program. The therapeutic program needs to be full course. This is the only way patients can be cured clinically and biologically.
护士: 王先生,我非常理解你。但在治疗结核病时,我们必须遵循早期、联合、适量、规律和全程的治疗原则。也就是说,必须严格按照化疗方案规定的药物、方法、时间用药,不可无故随意停药或随意间断用药,也不可更改治疗方案,要坚持治满疗程。只有这样,才能同时达到临床治愈和生物学治愈。
Patient: But I don’t understand what“being cured clinically and biologically” implies?
病人: 我不明白什么叫临床治愈和生物学治愈?
Nurse: Tuberculous pleuritis can be cured by means of absorption,fbrosis,and calcifcation,etc. If after treatment,the clinical symptoms of tuberculosis completely disappear,the local lesion becomes stable,and no tubercle bacilli are emitted,but there are some surviving bacilli. In this case,the surviving bacilli may be active,breed,and spread again. This is what is called being“cured clinically”. Contrary to this,a“biological cure”means the local lesion is completely eliminated,absorbed or taken away by surgical operation. No tubercle bacilli exist in the lesions.
护士: 结核性胸膜炎的主要愈合方式有吸收、纤维化、钙化等。如经过治疗使病灶稳定,并停止排菌,结核毒性症状完全消失,但病灶内仍可能有结核菌存活,并有再次活跃、繁殖而播散的可能,这种情况即为临床治愈。而生物学治愈是指病灶彻底清除,包括完全吸收或手术切除,并确定病灶内已无结核菌存活。
Patient: There’s so much knowledge related to tuberculous pleuritis. Now I realize the importance of taking medicines for the full period prescribed. But I’m afraid I may forget to take the medicines.
病人: 哦,原来结核性胸膜炎的愈合也有这么多学问。我现在终于明白了坚持用药的重要性,但真正实施时我还是担心自己会忘记。
Nurse: Don’t worry about it. I have already made you a schedule for taking the medicines.Isoniazid and Rifampin should be taken on an empty stomach,so you should put the medicines on the nightstand and take them immediately when you get up in the morning. Pyrazinamide should be taken after meals,so you should put the medicine on the dining table.
护士: 你不用担心。我已经给你制订了一个服药计划表。你看,异烟肼和利福平需要空腹口服,你就把药物放在床头柜上,你早上一起床就服。而吡嗪酰胺需在餐后口服,药物可放在餐桌上,每次在用餐后即服药。
Patient: Very good,you are so considerate. I won’t forget to take the medicines. Thank you very much.
病人: 太好了,你考虑得真周到。这样我肯定不会忘记服药了,谢谢你。