I recently spent a year studying abroad in China, and I found the experience to be engaging and worthwhile. Living alone in a foreign country allowed me to be truly independent for a year, and I feel like I have matured greatly from the experience. I now know how to better manage my money, how to plan my days out, and more. In addition, my Chinese speaking ability has improved dramatically. Using Chinese to speak to people around me every day helped my Chinese improve a lot, so the effects of my China trip are still with me every day.
I believe that influences change as you progress through life. For example, the family is definitely most important in influencing young children. However, for young adults, I believe that friends have the most influence. Young adults seek independence from their parents, and naturally seek to be different from them. They feel like they can really be themselves with their friends, but at the same time, if they see a quality they like in a friend, they try to act the same way. Young people want to be proud of themselves, and make personalities from their interests and from good qualities they see in friends.
The business studies department at the university is planning to put in a new plan in which all business students are required to work at a local business for at least a year before they graduate, to help them get work experience and to help them get jobs later. The woman thinks the plan is a bad idea. She claims that the work that the company has the students do is not useful; oftentimes they just file paperwork or do basic office jobs. This is not useful experience, as students are looking to gain leadership and organizational skills from these internships. Also, she says that many universities in the area have similar programs, and there will still be strong competition for jobs after graduation.
An establishing shot is the image that directors place at the beginning of a movie scene that is used to establish the setting and mood of the scene. It usually starts off from far away to provide context, then jumps into the scene. The professor explains it by using the example of a movie he saw. He describes the establishing shot of the movie as detailed; he saw a large city and signs that let him know that the time period was around the 1940s. Also, there was a lot of darkness, only broken by the streetlights. This let the professor know that the mood was gloomy and somber. Even before the detectives came on screen, he knew it is a mystery movie, all because of the establishing shot.
This is a bad situation for the woman; mid-term exams are coming at her university, but a water pipe problem is forcing her to move out of her apartment. She talks to the man, and they come up with two possible solutions. For one, she could move in with her friends. Alternatively, she can live in a hotel for a week or two. I believe that she should live with her friends. While the hotel has more private study space, it will cost her money that she does not need to spend. She can sleep in her friend’s room but spend most of her day studying at the library or somewhere else on campus.
Many plants protect themselves from being eaten by insects by using either physical or chemical methods. The professor talks about the passion plant and the potato plant. The passion plant is densely covered in spiky hairs that are all over the plant and its leaves. These spiky hairs give the insects no space to land, and so physically protect the plant from being eaten by flies. The potato plant uses chemical methods to keep bugs off. When bugs land on its leaves and eat, the potato plant releases a chemical that makes the bug feel full, and so it will stop eating more of the plant because it feels like it doesn’t need to. These two kinds of method both help keep plants healthy and alive.