〔美〕桑杰·苏布拉曼亚姆 著
袁先欣 译[1]
关键词:宽容 涵化 莫卧儿印度 游记叙述 信仰间关系
Abstract:In this essay,our attempt will be to address the issue of the relative importance of themes of “tolerance” and “acculuration” in Mughal North India. Rather than dealing with normative or theological materials on the question,our approach will take a different tack,drawing upon the body of travel narratives in Persian from the Mughal domains. This paper picks up three travel texts from late 17th century to 18th century. What is particularly evident in these texts is that the world of the Mughals was seen through them as comprising highly complex mixture of elements and attitudes,literary traditions and religious inheritances. The authors did not simply feel that they were in a tolerant milieu as opposed to a coercive one. Rather,they found themselves caught up in a tide of acculturation that they could not (and often did not wish to) resist;the real option open to them was to seize hold of the possibilities and use them to their own pragmatic ends.
Keywords:Tolerance Acculturation Mughal India Travel Narrative Inter-faith Relation