Lesson Five
Basic Words and Patterns 基本词汇和句型:
what time 什么时候,什么时间
what is the time 是什么时间
what are this(these,those)…made of?……由什么制成?
what is the color of…?……是什么颜色?
what kind of…?哪一种的……?
What time is it,please?
——It is 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
What time is it,now?
——It is 4:15 p.m.,now.It's time for our class meeting.
What time shall I be there?
——The movie is on at 6 p.m.,so we should be there at 5:30p.m.
What is the time for the seminar?
——The seminar will be held at 9 sharp,tomorrow morning.
What is the time for the dinner?
——The dinner will begin at 7 in the evening.
What is this shirt made of?
——This shirt is made of 100% pure silk.
What are those shoes made of?
——Those shoes are made of real leather.
What are these rings made of?
——These rings are made of gold,pure gold.
What are keys made of?
——They are made of metal.
What is the color of your hair?
——My hair is black.I'm Chinese.
What is the color of her hair?
——Her hair is brown.She is from England.
What is the color of your laptop?
——It is light blue and dark grey.
What is the color of the rainbow?
——The colors are red,orange,green,yellow,blue,indigo and violet.
What kind of food do you like best?
——Steamed fish is my favorite food.
What kind of soup do you have today?
——Our soup today is cream of mushroom.
What kind of drink comes with the meal?
——Red wine,white wine,juice,beer or soda water.
What kind of beverages do you have for children?
——We have milk,juice,water,and milkshakes.
What kinds of pizza would you like to order?
——We'd like one cheese pizza and one sausage pizza.
Notes to the text 课文注释:
It's time for是做……的时候了;class meeting班会;movie电影;p.m(a.m)下午(上午)几点;seminar研讨会;to be held举行;sharp(几点)整;shirt(T shirt)衬衫(T恤衫);to be made of由……制成;pure silk(pure cotton)真丝(纯棉);real leather真皮;ring(to ring)戒指,环城,圈圈,铃声(打电话);pure gold(pure silver)真金(纯银);key钥匙,关键;metal金属;color色彩,颜色;hair头发,毛发;brown棕色,咖啡色;light blue浅蓝;dark grey深灰;rainbow彩虹;orange橘黄色,橙子;green绿色;yellow黄色;indigo靛蓝色;violet(ultraviolet ray)紫色(紫外线);food(seafood)食物(海鲜);steamed(fried)fish蒸(炸)鱼;soup(to eat soup)汤(喝汤);cream奶油,奶油状浓汤;mushroom蘑菇;drink(to drink)饮料(喝饮料,喝茶,喝咖啡);meal三餐之一;wine(white wine,red wine)酒(白酒,红酒);juice水果汁;soda water苏打水;beverage冷热饮料;milkshake奶昔;pizza比萨饼;to order点菜,下订单;cheese pizza奶酪比萨;sausage香肠
Grammar Points 语法提要:
What time和what is the time口语里区别不大,我们可以问:
What is the time by your watch?
What time is it by your watch?
Practice 练习
Oral Translation 口头汉译英:
现在几点钟了?现在8:30分。我们在九点钟有个业务(business)会议。会议将在十楼会议室(meeting-room)举行。现在要去会议室开会了,我们先去搭电梯(to take lift),电梯在哪里?电梯在大堂(lobby).
在这个城市的海边(seaside)有一个漂亮的公园(park)。在假日(on holidays)人们喜欢在公园里散步。天空是浅蓝色的,大海是深蓝色的,空气是清洁的,草地(grass,lawn)是绿色的,花儿是红色、黄色和紫色的。生活(to live)在这个海边城市(seaside city),我们感到很快乐,我们喜欢这个城市。
在国外(in foreign countries),土豆是一种普通的(ordinary)食物,而土豆饼几乎(nearly)是每一家餐桌上的一盘菜(dish)。土豆饼是由土豆泥(mashed potato)做成的,当然先要把土豆做成土豆泥(to make…into)。在中国,我们喜欢吃红薯饼(sweet potato cakes),而红薯饼是由红薯泥做成的。不过,土豆饼通常是咸的(salty),红薯饼是甜的。
Paragraphs Recitation 背诵英语口语短文:
There is a computer on the desk.The color is blue and yellow.This is a second-hand computer(二手电脑),but it still works well.After work I often sit in front of the computer to access the Internet(上网).I can chat with my net-friends through the network and I can also look at the web pages to get a lot of first-hand information(一手信息)from websites.(网站)
In summer,girls like to wear skirts(裙子).This skirt is red and that skirt is blue.What color do you like?I like blue skirt,but this skirt is little too long(长),I like the short(短)skirt.Short skirts are very much in fashion(流行).Girls like to follow the fashion(追潮流),but I don't like the skirt too short.
This T-shirt looks beautiful.The color is yellow and green.The style(款式)is very good.This T-shirt is from Brazil football team(巴西足球队).Playing football is very popular(流行)in Brazil.People there are good at playing football.I like watching football match.I like Brazil football team.