Lesson Seven
Basic Words and Patterns 基本词汇和句型:
buy 购买 use 使用 go to 去到
I buy meat,fish and poultry at the vegetable market.
I buy vegetables,fruits and seasonings at the market,too.
My mother buys milk,eggs and household necessities at the supermarket.
She buys bread,rolls and cakes at the baker.
My brother buys the medicines at the drugstore.
We also like E-commerce.We often buy things through Internet.
I use the rice cooker to cook the rice.
I use a gas cooker to cook dishes.
My bother uses a micro-oven to warm the dishes.
My mother uses a washer to wash our clothes.
She uses a fridge to keep vegetables fresh.
I sometimes go to the restaurant to eat my meals.
I always go to the shopping mall to buy shoes and overcoats.
I often go to the department store to buy shirts and trousers.
My mother goes to the hospital to see the doctor.
She goes to the barber shop to get haircut and shampoo.
My brother goes to the bank to deposit or to draw money.
Notes to the text 课文注释:
Meat肉食;poultry家禽;vegetable蔬菜;(night market,seafood market)market(夜,海鲜)市场;seasonings(season)调料(季节);egg(steamed egg,fried egg,boiled egg)蛋(蒸蛋、炒蛋、煮蛋);household necessities家用必需品;supermarket超市;roll(to roll)面包卷,一卷(滚动,卷起来);baker(bakery)面包店;medicine药;drugstore(pharmacy,chemist)药房;E-commerce电子商务(电商);through Internet通过互联网;gas cooker煤气灶;dish菜肴,碟子;to keep … fresh保持新鲜;restaurant(dining room)饭店,酒楼(餐厅);shopping mall购物中心;shoes(a pair of shoes)鞋(一双鞋);overcoat外套;department store百货公司;trousers(a pair of trousers)裤(一条裤子);hospital(clinic)医院(医务所);barber shop理发店;haircut理发;to shampoo(shampoo)洗头(洗发香波);to deposit(to draw)money存(取)钱
Grammar Points 语法提要:
Practice 练习
Oral Translation 口头汉译英:
我每天都去菜市场(vegetable market)。在那儿,我可以买到蔬菜、鸡、鸭、鱼和肉,因为菜市场的每样东西都很新鲜(fresh),价格(price)也不贵(not expensive)。我每周会去一次超市,在那儿,我可以买到水果、牛奶、面包、大米和洗发水。当然,你也可以在超市买到蔬菜、鸡、鸭,但是它们都不是很新鲜。
中国有许多家银行。我们有四家大银行和其它许多小银行。人民银行(people's bank)是我国的中央(central)银行。如果你想存钱或取钱,你可以在银行开一个账号(to open an account)。银行会发给你一本存折(passbook),你就可以用存折存钱或取钱。你也可以申请(to apply for)一张提款卡(ATM card)或信用卡(credit card)从提款机里取钱。
Paragraphs Recitation 背诵英语口语短文:
I like to eat breakfast early.I prefer to choose a boiled egg,a steamed bread and a glass of milk for breakfast.I also like to eat lunch at a restaurant nearby our office.I will choose a set meal(套餐)or a box lunch(盒饭).I will eat supper at home,but I don't like to eat much for supper.As saying goes(俗话说),breakfast is for yourself,lunch for your friends and supper for your enemy(敌人).
There are many department stores(百货公司)and shopping malls(购物中心)in our city.We can buy shoes,skirts,T-shirts,blouses or overcoats in these stores or malls.There are many season's sales(季节促销)on holidays or at festivals,then you can have discounts(折扣)and buy something cheap(便宜).You can really save money(省钱).There is often a food street(食街)in these stores or malls.If you feel hungry in shopping,you can eat there.