In recent years, with the expansion of the free space in the field of culture, the traditional culture has come out of Western Learning cramped position was questioned and criticized the mainstream media, frequently appeared on top of“temple”and“Wild World, ”is someone shouted “tradition will solve the problem of modern medicine. ”prophecies. Cater to this“traditional hot”age wave, when in reality it is difficult to find people to be able to solve many problems of practical education program, “Teachers”(referring to the traditional teachers'shoulders, “Teachers' Dignity”cultural ideas)of Return it seems logical, in fact, in the current field of education for the restoration of traditional education is indeed“higher status”and there are a variety of efforts to force. Faced with these circumstances, we must ask: “Traditional teaching profession, ” the return of true education must be able to solve China's“Modern Problems”do?
Fair to say that if the“Teachers”is only relevant as a modern history of the“utopian”good recall, then formed in a bottom line and a lack of consensus exists in community and it has its own rationality and legitimacy, however, if the“Teachers”has become a social force in order to pursue their own ideas(often contain political purposes)the“means”, or the people as a result of dissatisfaction with the reality of education produced antagonistic psychological projection, then the so“Teachers”forcibly pushed into the reality of education in the ·4·field of practice is irrational and even extremely dangerous, and you really want to get away from this“dangerous”, we should do is to restore the“Teachers”in history real like state.
Few people can go beyond the limitations of their own history, leave the people to understand an era, then it can be largely understood in this era of“people”, all history is ultimately a problem in the past, people had the time and space by making the choice,“Teachers, ”the rise and fall of evolution, nothing is“Teachers”itself of the traditional teacher(or“teacher who”)the value of choice and behavior in specific historical situations make choices. In other words, if we are able to recognize the nature of China's traditional community, then it means having a pair of real survival situation can be observed and teachers who know and realistic choice of“Eye”, and then through the“Community-People-Profession” “triple Restore”to reflect the current reality for traditional culture really means.
Compared to other social communities exist on the same period in history, traditional Chinese community show a“Reiji oriented”culture of character“practical reason”and“power led”combining the character under the influence of traditional social presents a special“sequence pattern. ”Teachers who are sequences of a particular social group, making the division of the special status of Confucianism and Confucian groups who in fact achieve fusion-they not only producers and disseminators of cultural knowledge, it is the power of the participants and virtuous person in charge-such a seemingly“best of both worlds, ”the beautiful picture, in reality, it is highly likely facing a“dilemma”embarrassing situation.
In traditional community under the auspices of the sequence pattern, the political power enveloped everything, this particular social atmosphere makes itself with disabilities division were always faced with a difficult choice: on the one hand you want to adhere to the“road of anti-king, ”the bottom line, strongly win with dignity and honor as a cultural knowledge; on the other hand are under far-reaching but autocratic monarchical constraints. In fact, despite the Confucian“Tao”itself, but their“crisis”and“grace”is often determined by the monarch of the ages, and the strange case of this contradiction has been vividly demonstrated in the“Temple sacrificial system”-the -Even Confucius expensive for the“saints”, around the many problems arising from their worship equally difficult to escape the power of intervention. By examining the “Teachers” and “Governance”interaction, people can really understand the real situation of the“Road”and the meaning of the“road itself, ”the teacher's.
Examination System for China's Gentry has a special meaning, so it is important that people understand the dimensions when the teacher who should not be overlooked. On the one hand the imperial examination system to bridge the differences between Chinese social strata strict opposition, on the other hand, as people with disabilities into the real career pathways, but also profoundly shaped the thinking and values of the people. “Going to”the temptation not only spawned such as“Block division, ”and other considerations based on multiple interests and forged a“teacher - student relationship, ”is caused by the division who has not formed professional groups and professional awareness of the concept of reality factor. Sequence is essentially an agricultural civilization community under the auspices of local community, despite the“monarchical less than the county, ”the statement may not be able to truly reflect the real power of the bottom of community like state, but overall, is subject to a variety of complex factors constraints, political power in monarchical represented never form a strong and stable morphology in Rural China, the majority of the villagers to maintain order in everyday life is the most important force in the interests of ideas and patriarchal system. Teachers who on the one hand to disability itself, bears“for the king”and responsibility“to channel the anti - rights”; on the other hand, shoulder“preach etiquette”and“Service neighbors”of the mission, the majority of teachers are living“Wild”is thought“Temples”, home of the ·6·“other”is perhaps his true identity in the local community and the state of the actual sample.
Since the western shore, Chinese community has undergone a profound“impact of civilizations”, the pressure of social transformation be placed in front of the people of a major challenge, although the process of disintegration and always full of repeated setbacks, however, the sequence would have been doomed community will be abandoned by the era. “The decline of rural community, ”“the imperial examination system repeal”and“Confucianism losing ground, ”etc. are all in show: Teachers who belong to the era is over, the future direction of Chinese community is no longer based on the pattern of the dominant powers of the sequence of but rather a complex pattern of equality under the structural support, the latter is no longer a“intellectuals”as the core of a single community, but in all sectors, areas and sectors of the“professionals” for the backbone and constructed pluralistic community. Whether acknowledged or not, modern teacher who is not a direct descendant of the division, they are a group with its own unique identity professionals, rather than mixed with intellectual' s multiple identities and multiple functions. Despite facing a group of teachers of social transformation and moral anomie, and many other difficulties in the current community, however, must not only get rid of the plight of the method is already eyeing lopsided“traditional”, but to stand rooted in reality, carries the past, face toward the world.
Keywords: Sequence Community; Teachers; Traditional Culture;Practical Reason; Dominant Power