{protrepsasthai}. See above, I. ii. 64; below, IV. v. 1.
Soc. I presume you know that in any business whatever, people are more apt to follow the lead of those whom they look upon as adepts; thus in case of sickness they are readiest to obey him whom they regard as the cleverest physician; and so on a voyage the most skilful pilot; in matters agricultural the best farmer, and so forth.
Hipp. Yes, certainly.
Soc. Then in this matter of cavalry also we may reasonably suppose that he who is looked upon as knowing his business best will commandthe readiest obedience.
Hipp. If, then, I can prove to my troopers that I am better than all of them, will that suffice to win their obedience?
Soc. Yes, if along with that you can teach them that obedience to you brings greater glory and surer safety to themselves.
Hipp. How am I to teach them that?
Soc. Upon my word! How are you to teach them that? Far more easily, I take it, than if you had to teach them that bad things are better than good, and more advantageous to boot.
Hipp. I suppose you mean that, besides his other qualifications a commandant of cavalry must have command of speech and argument?
Or, "practise the art of oratory"; "express himself clearly and rationally." See Grote, "H. G." VIII. lxvii. p. 463 note; "Hipparch," i. 24; viii. 22.
Soc. Were you under the impression that the commandant was not to open his mouth? Did it never occur to you that all the noblest things which custom compels us to learn, and to which indeed we owe our knowledge of life, have all been learned by means of speech and reason; and if there be any other noble learning which a man may learn, it is this same reason whereby he learns it; and the best teachers are those who have the freest command of thought and language, and those that have the best knowledge of the most serious things are the most brilliant masters of disputation. Again, have you not observed that whenever this city of ours fits out one of her choruses--such as that, for instance, which is sent to Delos-- there is nothing elsewhere from any quarter of the world which can compete with it; nor will you find in any other state collected so fair a flower of manhood as in Athens?
Cf Arist. "Rhet." ii. 12, {oi neoi pepaideuntai upo tou nomou monon}.
{dia logou}.
See Thuc. iii. 104; and below, IV. viii. 2.
See references ap. Schneider and Kuhner; "Symp." iv. 17. Hipp. You say truly.
Soc. But for all that, it is not in sweetness of voice that the Athenians differ from the rest of the world so much, nor in stature of body or strength of limb, but in ambition and that love of honour which most of all gives a keen edge to the spirit in the pursuit of things lovely and of high esteem.
See below, v. 3; Dem. "de Cor." 28 foll. Hipp. That, too, is a true saying.
Soc. Do you not think, then, that if a man devoted himself to our cavalry also, here in Athens, we should far outstrip the rest of the world, whether in the furnishing of arms and horses, or in orderliness of battle- array, or in eager hazardous encounter with the foe, if only we could persuade ourselves that by so doing we should obtain honour and distinction?
Hipp. It is reasonable to think so.
Soc. Have no hesitation, therefore, but try to guide your men into this path, whence you yourself, and through you your fellow- citizens, will reap advantage.
Or, "to conduct which will not certainly fail of profit to yourself or through you to . . ."Yes, in good sooth, I will try (he answered).