"He must be going to use a tremendous lot of powder," said Tom.
"He is," answered Captain Badger."Some of us think he is going to use too much, but he says it is impossible to burst his gun.He wants to make a long-range record shot, and maybe he will.""That's a new kind of breech block," commented Tom, as he watched the mechanism being operated.
"Yes, that's General Waller's patent, too.They're going to fire soon."I might explain, briefly, for the benefit of you boys who have never seen a big, modern cannon, that it consists of a central core of cast steel.This is rifled, just as a small rifle is bored, with twisted grooves throughout its length.The grooves, or rifling, impart a twisting motion to the projectiles, and keep them in a straighter line.
After the central core is made and rifled, thick jackets of steel are "shrunk" on over the rear part of the gun.Sometimes several jackets are put on, one over the other, to make the gun stronger.
If you have ever seen a blacksmith put a tire on a wheel you will understand what I mean.The tire is heated, and this expands it, or makes it larger.It is put on hot, and when it cools it shrinks, getting smaller, and gripping the rim of the wheel in a strong embrace.That is what the jackets of steel do to the big guns.
A big rifled cannon is loaded from the rear, or breech, just as is a breech-loading shotgun or rifle.That is, the cannon is opened at the back and the projectile is put in by means of a derrick, for often the projectiles weigh a thousand pounds or more.Next comes the powder--hundreds of pounds of it--and then it is necessary to close the breech.
The breech block does this.That block is a ponderous piece of steel, quite complicated, and it swings on a hinge fastened to one side of the rear of the gun.Once it is swung back into place, it is made fast by means of screw threads, wedges or in whatever way the inventor of the gun deems best.
The breech block must be very strong, and held firmly in place, or the terrific force of the powder would blow it out, wreck the gun and kill those behind it.You see, the breech block really stands a great part of the strain.The powder is between it and the projectile, and there is a sort of warfare to see which will give way--the projectile or the block.In most cases the projectile gracefully bows, so to speak, and skips out of the muzzle of the gun, though sometimes the big breech block will be shattered.
With eager eyes Tom and Ned watched the preparations for firing the big gun.The charge of powder was hoisted out of the bomb- proof chamber below the barbette, and then the great projectile was brought upin slings.At the sight of that Tom realized that the gun was no ordinary one, for the great piece of steel was nearly three feet long, and must have weighed nearly a thousand pounds.Truly, much powder would be needed to send that on its way.
"I'm afraid, General, that you are using too much of that strong powder," Tom heard one officer say to the inventor of the gun."It may burst the breech.""Nonsense, Colonel Washburn.I tell you it is impossible to burst my gun--impossible, sir! I have allowed for every emergency, and calculated every strain.I have a margin of safety equal to fifty per cent.""Very well, I hope it proves a success."
"Of course it will.It is impossible to burst my gun! Now, are we ready for the test."The gun was rather crude in form, not having received its final polish, and it was mounted on a temporary carriage.But even with that Tom could see that it was a wonderful weapon, though he thought he would have put on another jacket toward the muzzle, to further strengthen that portion.
"I'm going to make a gun bigger than that," said Tom to Ned.He spoke rather louder than he intended, and, as it was at a moment when there was a period of silence, the words carried to General Waller, who was at that moment near Tom.
"What's that?" inquired the rather fiery-tempered officer, as he looked sharply at our hero.
"I said I was going to make a larger gun than that," repeated Tom, modestly.
"Sir! Do you know what you are saying? How did you come in here, anyhow? I thought no civilians were to be admitted today! Explain how you got here!"Tom felt an angry flush mounting to his cheeks.
"I came in here on a pass countersigned by you," he replied."A pass countersigned by me? Let me it."Tom passed it over.
"Humph, it doesn't seem to be forged," went on the pompous officer."Who are you, anyhow?""Tom Swift." "Hum!"
"General Waller, permit me to introduce Tom Swift to you," spoke Captain Badger, stepping forward, and trying not to smile."He is one of our foremost inventors.It is his type of monoplane that the government has adopted for the coming maneuvers at Panama, you may recall, and he was very helpful to Uncle Sam in stopping that swindling on the border last year--Tom and his big searchlight.Mr.Swift, General Waller," and Captain Badger bowed as he completed the introduction.
"What's that.Tom Swift here? Let me meet him!" exclaimed an elderly officer coming through the crowd.The others parted to make way for him, as he seemed to be a person of some importance, to judge by his uniform, and the medals he wore.
"Tom Swift here!" he went on."I want to shake hands with you, Tom! I haven't seen you since I negotiated with you for the purchase of those submarines you invented, and which have done such splendid service for the government.Tom, I'm glad to see you here today."The face of General Waller was a study in blank amazement.