Scientists may continue to predict, as they have been predicting, the day when solar radiation will cease, but their predictions will prove as worthless as the sighing of the summer wind, so far as reality is concerned."It is an incomprehensible mystery to science," says Sir Robert Ball, in his "Story of the Heavens," "how the Sun has been able to maintain its heat with such regularity in the past, for there has been no appreciable change in the Earth's temperature for thousands of years." What it is to-day it was ten thousand years ago--yea, Sir Robert Ball, and will be in ten thousand years to come.You may wonder, and the Royal College may wonder, but in the meantime the mighty, pulsating Sun continues beating out its rhythmic vibrations of spiritual and dynamic life--continues, and will continue, to send the exhilarating current throughout every atom, to the remotest part of his solar dominions, and the same current RETURNS TO HIM AGAIN, UNDIMINISHED, for the purification which his glowing, transmuting photosphere alone, can give, to be sent forward again, upon its mission of light, life, and love, around the vital, organic worlds of the astral organism.There is nothing lost, no radiation of energy dispersed upon the unformed, lifeless ether.From the radiating solar focus of Divinity it comes, and to him, undiminished it returns, and so on forever and ever; until the last Deific atom has won its laggard way back to the shining throne of God.
The Sun breathes.The pulsating process of dynamic respiration, eternally repeated during the grand period of a solar lifetime, renews its vital energies, and supplies itself, with the full abundance of the ever- living spirit, transmitted from the shoreless ether in which it lives.It needs no other food, except the magnetic nutriment it receives from each vital organ, or planet, in return for the electrical life current it transmits to them.Just as the human lungs inflate themselves with the vital atmosphere, (which is only the ether, dynamically diluted by the Earth to harmonize with our conditions), to oxygenate the blood and add fresh fuel to the physical furnace, or supply finer essences to the nervous centers.Just as the human heart, with its continual, rhythmic pulsations, propels forth thecirculating fluid to every part of the human frame; so does the central heart and lungs of the Grander Man of the Skies, (the Sun) send forth its vitalizing energy to every part of the universe.
Such are the crowding thoughts, born of interior knowledge, that flood the mind as we view these sacred revelations within the sacred chamber of the soul.As yet, we are gazing upon the undulating flow of the astral light.We yearn within our utmost being to become the center of the Penetralia and gaze upon the glorious radiance of the Adonai, from whose ineffable presence we are only screened by the last shining veil of semi-transparent matter, that waves and trembles with every spiritual aspiration.The soul sends forth its pleading cry for light: "Who and what is God?" Faintly, as the distant vesper sounds upon the cooling eve, comes the answer: "Who and what art thou? What canst thou see? What delectable blessing does Nature vouchsafe to the pure in heart?" We tremble with the awful, yet thrilling, revelation.We know dimly, yet fail to realize in our outward consciousness the full import thereof.We realize wherein the mistaken selfhood hath become the only begotten of the Father, but the revelation is too much, and too little.We know that, faint as the voice seemed to the yet unprepared soul, an echo only, IT WAS THE VOICE OF THE ADONAI BEHIND THE VEIL.And now we crave the knowledge of the Where and Whither.
Again, we see the Earth as the vital function of the interplanetary being.It is composed of substance termed matter, which substance is the aggregation of countless atoms, which science has not, and never can, resolve into their individual selves.These atoms are rings of the atomless ether, which, thus differentiated from the formless ether, become centers of force, the center of such force being a vacuum within the atomic ring--a center so small that a microscope with lens one thousand times as powerful as the most perfect modern instrument would fail to reveal it.These atoms form systems, under the control of another apparent vacuum; or, rather, this vacuum seems to be the focus, or center, about which they revolve.THIS SYSTEM CONSTITUTES A SCIENTIFIC MOLECULEOF MATTER, and, in response to the innumerable vibrations, they assume different forms or dimensions, and become, indifferently, molecules ofoxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, or carbon, as the case may be, all of which are but different modes of motion of the same primitive atoms, there being in Nature but three things--Ether, Intelligence, and Motion.What Ether is, no one knows.We call it the formless spirit, the unmanifest, etc.But, there can be no doubt but, that Motion is the product of Intelligence, since we never see Motion but as the manifestation of evolution, and this is the expression of Mind.Therefore, we have a duality--Ether and Intelligence; one the living spirit, the other the eternal substance for its manifestation.