In order to prevent any possible misconception upon the subject, let us briefly restate the definition in a different way: A Talisman is the exact antipodes of a charm.This latter is the artful and temporary result of man's mental power; the former, the natural production of universal Nature, and as permanent and enduring as the substance of which it is composed, DURING THE PRESENT CYCLE.And yet in some sense, it may be quite correct to say that, a Talisman ACTS LIKE A CHARM, and vice versa, that charms ACT LIKE A TALISMAN, providing that, the real vital difference between them, is maintained in the statement.
Now that we have our subject clearly defined, let us carefully examine HOW AND IN WHAT SENSE a given natural object becomes Talismanic, for it must appear self-evident to all that, one and the same substance cannot constitute a Talisman for everyone, and for everything.They must naturally differ, as widely in their nature and quality, as mankind differ inphysical, mental, moral, ethical, and temperamental, development.And, yet, though, man may so differ from his fellow man; the ignorant Esquimau, killing seals in his kayak, may belong to the same spiritual quality of life as the Harvard professor, who obtains his subsistence by daily discourse upon the sublime harmony of the infinitely small with the infinitely great, throughout the manifested universe of matter, and wherever we find this KINSHIP of the spirit, we shall find the same identical Talisman acting alike upon each, whenever they shall come en rapport with it.Mental, moral, and physical development, never alter the real nature of the internal man.Culture only brings to the surface, into active use, the latent possibilities lying concealed within the human soul.It only allows him to exercise his functions upon different planes, and with different effect.
Every natural department of Nature corresponds to some peculiar specific quality and degree of life.These have been divided, for the sake of convenience, into four primary groups; and each group again subdivided into three, corresponding to the four cardinal, four succedent, and four cadent houses, of the astrological chart; therefore, the twelve signs of the Zodiac; these constituting the Cycle of Necessity within physical conditions, wherein, the ever-measuring or decreeing tidal flow of life from solar radiation throughout the year, represents the twelve groups of humanity, of lower animated Nature, of vegetation, and crystallized gems.Every human being is ushered into the world under the direct influx of one or more of these celestial divisions, and by virtue of the sign occupying the horizon at the moment of birth, absorbs such influx, and becomes endowed with a specific polarity, by virtue of which, lie ever afterward, during such expression within physical conditions, inspires with every breath, that specific life quality from the atmosphere, corresponding to the same degree of the universal spirit.Consequently, that gem, or those gems, representing and corresponding to HIS HOUSE OF LIFE, become to him, a Talisman, because of their relationship--their spiritual affinity.These are all given in the second part of Vol.I.THE METALS never become Talismanic, because of their comparatively negative degree of life, and for this reason also, they make the most powerful charms.Certaincombinations of metals, and in proper proportions, increase the potency and magnetic influence of a charm; and here, too, the laws of antipathy and affinity come into practical use.
A true expert will know his metals, or metal, and his client, before commencing his magical work.