THE SPIRITUAL INTERPRETATION OF THE TWELVE HOUSES OF THE HOROSCOPEAs a sequel to the foregoing subjects, viz., the Zodiac and constellations, we will add the spiritual interpretation of the twelve houses of an horoscope, which completes the triune expression of these celestial symbols of eternal truths.
In revealing this mystery, we would impress upon the mind of the student that the order of the Zodiac is the reverse of the external, in its spiritual application, to the twelve houses of the horoscope.
As the four cardinal signs, viz., Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, correspond to the four angles of a natal figure, it is our purpose to explain, first, the symbology of the four angles, or cardinal points; believing the whole revelation will thus become clear and forcible.
The four angles of the horoscope correspond to the four elements, the four triplicities, and the four cardinal points, or epochs, in the soul's involution from pure spirit to the crystallizing, inert, mineral state.
The first angle is the ascendant, or House of Life.It is the eastern horizon, and symbolized by Aries.Upon the interior, this first angle stands for the birth, or differentiation, of the Divine Ego, as the result of the creative action, or impulse, of the Deific mind.
The Ego rises upon the eastern horizon of celestial states, a glowing, scintillating atom of pure intelligence, an absolute, eternal Ego, rising out of the ocean of Infinite Love.
The South angle, meridian, or Tenth House, pertaining to honor, etc., is symbolized by Cancer; the highest point in the arc of the soul's involution, as a differentiated atom of Deity within angelic spheres.
Having evolved the first dual expression of its (the Ego's) self, the twin souls--Sensation and Aspiration, or Love and Wisdom, the Ego rests awhile, radiant with celestial love and wisdom, and inspiring the Divine breath of life.
Again the restless impulse of the creative purpose arouses the Ego tofurther action.The culminating point has been reached, and now must begin an apparent downward course toward the western horizon.
The seventh angle, or House of Marriage, etc., is represented by Libra (the Balance), or point of equilibrium; where the two souls are still one, balanced upon the western horizon.The alluring temptations of material illusions draw the souls downward, and, divorced from their celestial state, the radiance of Divine love becomes obscured, until the twilight of consciousness of that former state is lost in the night of material conditions.
This house signifies, also, law, and open enemies, and (Libra) justice.Sex is the law.The antagonism is surely too apparent to require explanation.
The fourth angle, or Nadir, the point opposite the M.C., signifies the frozen North, and is symbolized by Capricorn, the crystallizing point in the soul's involution.It is death, inertia; that is, crystallization of the soul's spiritual forces.It is the lowest point of the are in the monad's downward journey.It is the night, before the awakening of a new day upon a higher plane of existence.
The remaining houses are the lights and shadows that, fill out and complete the picture, upon this, the first round of the Cyclic Ladder.
The Twelfth House, symbolized by Taurus, represents the first expression of form of the human soul.It is matter in the most etherealized state.It is the trail of the serpent; the silent, secret, tenacious, negative principle; that ultimately draws the soul down into the vortices of gross matter and death.
The Eleventh, or House of Friends, whose symbol is Gemini, the Twins, expressive of the first emanation of this sublime relationship, the dual attributes, love and wisdom, closest friends.It is sensation and aspiration, which enable the spirit to attain to the exalted state indicated by the Tenth Mansion.
The Ninth Mansion of the celestial map is the House of Science, Art, Religion, Philosophy, etc., and its symbol is Leo, the Heart, with its emotions, love, and longings, and sympathies.Having evolved the twins, and inspiring the Divine breath of wisdom; glowing with Deific love, theEgo aspires to know; and all the sympathies of the soul are aroused.Dauntless and fearless, defying all opposition and consequences, It (the Ego) is ready to sacrifice this angelic state and explore the boundless Universe in pursuit of knowledge, and goes forth on its long voyage upon the ocean of Infinite, fathomless love and wisdom.
The Eighth, or House of Death and Legacies, is symbolized by Virgo, the virgin wife, standing before the "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil," fascinated by the flattering prospects of greater power and wisdom.Desire and sympathy draw the soul down into realms which lead to death, and the beginning of a heritage of sorrow,The Sixth, or House of Sickness, Menials, and Sorrow, is symbolized by Scorpio.The fall, from Libra through Scorpio (sex), created the first condition of what we recognize as sickness and affliction.It is evident that this house is related to the elementals of the astral plane, which become the servitors of man.
The Fifth, or House of Children, etc., symbolized by Sagittarius, signifies the offspring of sex (Scorpio), entities sent forth to people the Earth, to take their chances of life, speculating on its future course, fearlessly eager for the struggle, gaining pleasure in its migrations and activities.