第15章 The Letter.(3)
They thought themselves obliged,especially in the presence of their Mistresses,to vindicate their Beauty;and were just spurring on to engage the Champions,when a Gentleman stopping them,told them their mistake,that it was the Picture of Donna Catharina,and a particular Honour done to her by his Highness's Commands,and not to be disputed.Upon this they would have returned to their Post,much concerned for their mistake;but notice being taken by Don Ferdinand of some Show of Opposition that was made,he would have begged leave of the Duke,to have maintained his Lady's Honour against the Insolence of those Cavaliers;but the Duke would by no means permit it.They were arguing about it when one of them came up,before whom the Shield was born,and demanded his Highness's Permission,to inform those Gentlemen better of their mistake,by giving them the Foyl.By the Intercession of Don Ferdinand,leave was given them;whereupon a Civil Challenge was sent to the two Strangers,informing them of their Error,and withal telling them they must either maintain it by force of Arms,or make a publick acknowledgment by riding bare headed before the Picture once round the Lists.The Stranger-Cavaliers remonstrated to the Duke how sensible they were of their Error,and though they would not justifie it,yet they could not decline the Combate,being pressed to it beyond an honourable refusal.To the Bride they sent a Complement,wherein,having first begg'd her pardon for not knowing her Picture,they gave her to understand,that now they were not about to dispute her undoubted right to the Crown of Beauty,but the honour of being her Champions was the Prize they fought for,which they thought themselves as able to maintain as any other Pretenders.Wherefore they pray'd her,that if fortune so far befriended their endeavours as to make them Victors,that they might receive no other Reward,but to be crown'd with the Titles of their Adversaries,and be ever after esteem'd as her most humble Servants.The excuse was so handsomely designed,and much better express'd than it is here,that it took effect.The Duke,Don Ferdinand and his Lady were so well satisfied with it as to grant their Request.
While the running at the Ring lasted,our Cavaliers alternately bore away great share of the Honour.That Sport ended,Marshals were appointed for the Field,and every thing in great form settled for the Combat.The Cavaliers were all in good earnest,but orders were given to bring 'em blunted Lances,and to forbid the drawing of a Sword upon pain of his Highness's Displeasure.The Trumpets sounded and they began their Course:The Ladies'Hearts,particularly the Incognita and Leonora's beat time to the Horses Hoofs,and hope and fear made a mock Fight within their tender Breasts,each wishing and doubting success where she lik'd:But as the generality of their Prayers were for the graceful Strangers,they accordingly succeeded.
Aurelian's Adversary was unhorsed in the first Encounter,and Hippolito's lost both Stirrups and dropt his Lance to save himself.
The Honour of the Field was immediately granted to them,and Don Catharina sent them both Favours,which she pray'd them to wear as her Knights.The Crowd breaking up,our Cavaliers made a shift to steal off unmarked,save by the watchful Leonora and Incognita,whose Eyes were never off from their respective Servants.There was enquiry made for them,but to no purpose;for they to prevent their being discovered had prepared another House,distant from their Lodging,where a Servant attended to disarm them,and another carried back their Horses to the Villa,while they walked unsuspected to their Lodging;but Incognita had given command to a Page to dog 'em till the Evening,at a distance,and bring her word where they were latest housed.
While several Conjectures pass'd among the Company,who were all gone to Dinner at the Palace,who those Cavaliers should be,Don Fabio thought himself the only Man able to guess;for he knew for certain that his Son and Hippolito were both in Town,and was well enough pleased with his humour of remaining Incognito till the Diversions should be over,believing then that the surprize of his Discovery would add much to the Gallantry he had shown in Masquerade;but hearing the extraordinary liking that every body express'd,and in a particular manner,the great Duke himself,to the Persons and Behaviour of the unknown Cavaliers,the Old Gentleman could not forbear the Vanity to tell his Highness,that he believed he had an interest in one of the Gentlemen,whom he was pleased to honour with so favourable a Character;and told him what reason he had to believe the one to be his Son,and the other a Spanish Nobleman,his Friend.
This discovery having thus got vent,was diffused like Air;every body suck'd it in,and let it out again with their Breath to the next they met withal;and in half an hours time it was talked of in the House where our Adventurers were lodged.Aurelian was stark mad at the News,and knew what search would be immediately made for him.
Hippolito,had he not been desperately in Love,would certainly have taken Horse and rid out of Town just then,for he could make no longer doubt of being discovered,and he was afraid of the just Exceptions Leonora might make to a Person who had now deceived her twice.Well,we will leave them both fretting and contriving to no purpose,to look about and see what was done at the Palace,where their doom was determined much quicker than they imagined.