"I shall get a pit-tier box, like the one we had six weeks ago," Daubrecq had said.And he added, with a laugh, "I hope that I shall not have the burglars in during that time."There was not a doubt in Lupin's mind.Daubrecq was about to spend his evening in the same manner in which he had spent the evening six weeks ago, while they were breaking into his villa at Enghien.To know the person whom he was to meet and perhaps thus to discover how Gilbert and Vaucheray had learnt that Daubrecq would be away from eight o'clock in the evening until one o'clock in the morning: these were matters of the utmost importance.
Lupin left the house in the afternoon, with Victoire's assistance.He knew through her that Daubrecq was coming home for dinner earlier than usual.
He went to his flat in the Rue Chateaubriand, telephoned for three of his friends, dressed and made himself up in his favourite character of a Russian prince, with fair hair and moustache and short-cut whiskers.
The accomplices arrived in a motor-car.
At that moment, Achille, his man, brought him a telegram, addressed to M.Michel Beaumont, Rue Chateaubriand, which ran:
"Do not come to theatre this evening.Danger of your intervention spoiling everything."There was a flower-vase on the chimney-piece beside him.Lupin took it and smashed it to pieces.
"That's it, that's it," he snarled."They are playing with me as Iusually play with others.Same behaviour.Same tricks.Only there's this difference..."What difference? He hardiy knew.The truth was that he too was baffled and disconcerted to the inmost recesses of his being and that he was continuing to act only from obstinacy, from a sense of duty, so to speak, and without putting his ordinary good humour and high spirits into the work.
"Come along," he said to his accomplices.
By his instructions, the chauffeur set them down near the Square Lamartine, but kept the motor going.Lupin foresaw that Daubrecq, in order to escape the detectives watching the house, would jump into the first taxi; and he did not intend to be outdistanced.
He had not allowed for Daubrecq's cleverness.
At half-past seven both leaves of the garden-gate were flung open, a bright light flashed and a motor-cycle darted across the road, skirted the square, turned in front of the motor-car and shot away toward the Bois at a speed so great that they would have been mad to go in pursuit of it.
"Good-bye, Daisy!" said Lupin, trying to jest, but really overcome with rage.
He eyed his accomplices in the hope that one of them would venture to give a mocking smile.How pleased he would have been to vent his nerves on them!
"Let's go home," he said to his companions.
He gave them some dinner; then he smoked a cigar and they set off again in the car and went the round of the theatres, beginning with those which were giving light operas and musical comedies, for which he presumed that Daubrecq and his lady would have a preference.He took a stall, inspected the lower-tier boxes and went away again.
He next drove to the more serious theatres: the Renaissance, the Gymnase.
At last, at ten o'clock in the evening, he saw a pit-tier box at the Vaudeville almost entirely protected from inspection by its two screens;and, on tipping the boxkeeper, was told that it contained a short, stout, elderly gentleman and a lady who was wearing a thick lace veil.
The next box was free.He took it, went back to his friends to give them their instructions and sat down near the couple.
During the entr'acte, when the lights went up, he perceived Daubrecq's profile.The lady remained at the back of the box, invisible.The two were speaking in a low voice; and, when the curtain rose again, they went on speaking, but in such a way that Lupin could not distinguish a word.
Ten minutes passed.Some one tapped at their door.It was one of the men from the box-office.
"Are you M.le Depute Daubrecq, sir?" he asked.
"Yes," said Daubrecq, in a voice of surprise."But how do you know my name?'
"There's a gentleman asking for you on the telephone.He told me to go to Box 22"" But who is it?"
"M.le marquis d'Albufex."
"Eh"What am I to say, sir?"
"I'm coming...I'm coming..."
Daubrecq rose hurriedly from his seat and followed the clerk to the box-office.
He was not yet out of sight when Lupin sprang from his box, worked the lock of the next door and sat down beside the lady.
She gave a stifled cry.
"Hush!" he said."I have to speak to you.It is most important.""Ah!" she said, between her teeth."Arsene Lupin!" He was dumbfounded.
For a moment he sat quiet, open-mouthed.The woman knew him! And not only did she know him, but she had recognized him through his disguise!
Accustomed though he was to the most extraordinary and unusual events, this disconcerted him.
He did not even dream of protesting and stammered:
"So you know?...So you know?..."
He snatched at the lady's veil and pulled it aside before she had time to defend herself:
"What!" he muttered, with increased amazement."Is it possible?"It was the woman whom he had seen at Daubrecq's a few days earlier, the woman who had raised her dagger against Daubrecq and who had intended to stab him with all the strength of her hatred.
It was her turn to be taken aback:
"What! Have you seen me before?..."
"Yes, the other night, at his house...I saw what you tried to do..."She made a movement to escape.He held her back and, speaking with great eagerness:
"I must know who you are," he said."That was why I had Daubrecq telephoned for."She looked aghast:
"Do you mean to say it was not the Marquis d'Albufex?""No, it was one of my assistants."
"Then Daubrecq will come back?..."
"Yes, but we have time...Listen to me...We must meet again...He is your enemy...I will save you from him...""Why should you? What is your object?"
"Do not distrust me...it is quite certain that our interests are identical...Where can I see you? To-morrow, surely? At what time?
And where?"